martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

The King Without A Kingdom

Once upon a time there was a king without a kingdom. He traveled to far lands and across the seas, but he couldn't find a kingdom. In one of his adventures, he met a gorgeous queen, and he inmediately fell in love. Unfortunately, the queen didn't seem to like him, so the king decided to prove her he was a brave man.
The kings went to England nad asked Merlin how could he prove his manhood. Merlin told him to go to the woods and kill a Blue Dragon, take his eye and present it to the Gods of the Olympus. After doing this, the Gods will intervene and the Queen will love him.
The king rushed to the woods. He found a firendly elf who told him that Blue Dragons came out from their vaces at night, and that he could find them at the fairy pit. The elf rapidly disappeared and the king started searchng for the fairy pit. He walked through the trees following a path of glowing blue flowers. After some time, the flower's path disappeared. The king felt lost, but he inmediately climbed up a tree. From the top, he could see the magnifisent fairy pit at some distance. The pit was a big circle made of colourful glowing flowers, with a huge round rock in the middle. the king waited in the tree to be safe of the coming dragons. as the night fell, he saw how a tremendous and scary dragon entered the pit. it was a blue dragon. at that momenmt, a group of fairies approached him and picked him up. the king was taken to the fairy pit.
the brave king took his great sword and prepared for the battle. the dragon attacked him with his fire breath, but the king managed to avoid it and ran towards the dragon. The king jumped andstabbed the dragon in the neck. The dragon screamed for hisdeath and the king proceded to take its eye. Once he did this, the kingwalked to the middle of the pit and got on his knees. raising the eye towards the sky. The night was interrupted by thunders and the king knew the Gods had accepted his offerings.
The king went out of the wood and to the queen's castle. He entered and she was waiting for him. They decided to marry and have a happy life together. Finally, the king had a kingdom.

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