domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

The Help

"The Help" is one of the most thought-provoking and touching portraits of African-American maids working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s. In this movie we find a very important phrase: "separate but equal" which means that Black and White people have the same rights and obligations but they don't have it at the same time and place. They can't live together. Jim Crow Laws were present at the time and many times mentioned. Everything is appreciated in the movie, for example, different toilets, movilization and neighborhoods. In the movie, Skeeter wants to write a book with the testimonies of maids. The maids in The Help took a risk by telling their stories. Even though they knew they could be shot to death in their front yards, they went ahead with the project. If people are not willing to take risks then they are not going to achieve what they want. Everyone wants something, but to achieve it we have go through a difficult way. By going over the obstacles we know that we really want something and no matter what we do, we will get there one day. In the case of the movie, Black people's final goal was equality and to achieve it they had an extremely difficult road, full of holes and dangers. By writing the book, they were getting closer and jumping over the first big hole.

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