Ch. 12
1. Comment on Jem's and Scout's visit to First Purchase Church. What does Scout learn about how black people live?

The First Purchase Church is called like that because it was bought by the first free slaves with their first earning. The children learn that Black people are very poor, close to each other and most of them didn't know how to read and write.
2. Explain why Calpurnia speaks differently in the Finch household, and among her neighbours at church.
Because Black people might get offended because of the lack of education. She adapts to the circumstances.
Ch. 13
3. Aunt Alexandra thinks Scout is "dull" (not clever). Why does she think this, and is she right?
She thinks that because Scout doesn't act like a lady. Alexandra is completely wrong.
4. How does Aunt Alexandra involve herself in Macomb's social life?
She meets with neighbors and gossips about everything, specially the Finch family, their richness. Alexandra want to be a feminist influence the the children.
5. Comment on Aunt Alexandra's ideas about breeding and family, in contrast to Atticus' visions. Who's right, do you think? Why?
Aunt Alexandra thinks that values must go from one generation to another, whereas Atticus thinks that everyone should express their feelings and differences from their parents. I think Atticus is kind of a "modern father".
Ch. 14.
6. Comment on Atticus' definition of rape. How suitable is this definition as an answer to Scout?
I think it is a proper definition in contrast with Calpurnia's.

Ch. 15
1. What is the Ku Klux Klan? What do you think of Atticus' comment about it?
It is a gang that scares and kills Catholics. Atticus tells that it is not a gang, it is a political organization but there's no one to scare in Maycomb.
2. How does Jem react when Atticus tells him to go home, and why?
He shakes his head and refuses to go. Atticus and the children finally go back together.
3. What persuades the lynching-party to give up their attempt on Tom's life?
The interruption from Scout.
Ch. 16
4. What sort of person is Dolphus Raymond and what is your opinion of him?
Dolphus is a rich white man who lives with Black people and presented an an alcoholic. He later says that he acts like that because he hates white people's hypocrisy.
5. How does Reverend Sykes help the children see and hear the trial? Is he correct in doing so?
He calls them and lets them seat in the black balcony. The children can now listen and see the trial clearly. I think his attitude is correct and does so as a way to thank Atticus who is defending Tom.
Ch. 17
6. Choose three quotes from chapter 17. Explain the context of each, the characters involved, and their relevance for the story, themes and overall message of the novel.
"Did you call a doctor Sheriff? Did anybody call a doctor?"
"I just wanted to make sure judge"
"Will you write your name and show use please"
In all this quotes from Atticus, we get to know that Atticus knows something, and he is totally convinced that Tom didn't rape Mayella. Atticus want evidence that Bob hit Mayella, and later proves that Tom's left arm is "dead".
Personal Recount - Written task
"Mixing with strangers"
I've been in many places living with strangers. The US for example was a place very similar to Chile but you can clearly notice the cultural differences, specially in organization and public respect. In New Zealand happened the same. I "lived" there for three weeks and I noticed the difference in the food eaten, the way of life and education system which is very different to ours. I have also met people from other social classes which gave me a better understanding of the world. This is very similar to what happened to Jem and Scout when visiting the Black Church.