viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Gene Control

Why did the German scientist decide to study the fruit flies at the larval stage?

Because it is a fast-breeding insect and sometimes, a mutation occurs and legs come out of the fly's head. These mutations occurs during the larval stage of the fly, so that's why the scientist need to study the fly from the larval stage, and see the complete development of the fly.

How does the mother fly activate the control genes?

When the mother lies the eggs, she leaves different chemical messages at either end of the egg. One indicates that this will be the head and the other one the tail. Inside the egg, the chemicals will activate a specific gene, called the control gene.

What is the role of control genes?

The control gene controls the activity of other genes in time and space, so they control at which point or in which region another gene is expressed.

Which of the two species are closer to humans?

The zebrafish is closer to us in terms of control genes and body plans.

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