viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

Week 3: Debate!

This week we were debating about the motion 'Humans are born with ability to create language' v/s 'Language is a learnt construct like the rules governing a sport'
Many debates by groups of two or three were organised and my partner was Mr Gre.
We were defending that language is a learnt construct liek the rules governing a sport and although it may seem more difficult than the motion for our counter part, we managed to prove our motion correct and somehow Mr Leniz from the other team ended accepting our posture because of some fallacy questions we did to him (yes or no questions). This was very fun and the first thing Mr Calderon said to him was to never accept the other posture and defend your own, it doesn't matter if you think they're correct.
Finally I was part of the group of students that had to evaluate the last debate between our classmates.
It was a very good experience not just for our learning but also because it was really fun and interactive.

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