miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

The History of Language
1. Why is it said that people in East Africa developed more than the rest?
         Because they developed a better language and spread the word, so it was finally the best language to acquire.
2. What happened to the earlier languages on Earth?
         The earlier languages were erased (lost) due to evolution and constant change in language.
3. According to Dr Johanna Nichols, what were the first utterances made by Humans?
         The first utterances were calls and different types of sounds.

Language: Constant Change
1. What is the biblical story of "the Tower of Babel"?
         The story is about a group of people who wanted to build a tower high enough to reach the sky. God punished them by giving each one of them a different language so that they couldn’t communicate. This story tries to explain how languages were created.
2. What does historical evidence tell us of this biblical event?
         Now days we have many languages around the world, and by the time the story takes place, many cultures and civilizations began.
3. What's the relationship between genes and language?
         There’s no relation between the genes and language, just that similar genes talk the same language because of the social context, but it has nothing to do with the genes.
4. Why do languages constantly change?
         Because of the relation with our peers and slang being used.

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